(This poem by Mac originally appeared on Diary of an Arts Farmer on Wed., Jan 16, 2013)

Thailand Tealight by MacIt seems that I love You with two loves

A selfish love
And a simple love 
That is truly worthy of You

So, I abide in you
Persisting in the practice of your Presence
Daily offering this selfish love to You
To do with as You will

Patiently remaining, 
Silently waiting
For those golden moments
When I, with great delight
Find You here
Before me
Gazing into my heart
With tender kindness and curious affection
Traversing that coal black abyss
Where You find, residing there 

A little flame

That simple love
Begotten of Your own True Love

And you lift the veil
So that I, but for a moment,
May catch a glimpse of You
But for sliver of time
A heartbeat
That lingers an eternity
Reverberating and resounding
Throughout every fibre
Every strand of my very being

And in that manifest moment
You purse Your lips
And gently blow upon the flame
That intuitive flame of True Life
So feeble and frail
That oft flickers and falters

And the intoxicating sweetness
Of your breath is the virtue
The catalyst
In that golden alchemical moment
That kindles an unquenchable wildfire of passion
Burning away the dross of selfish love

So that all that remains
All that may emerge
From the smoke and the ashes
Is pure gold
Untainted and chaste

The virtue of a simple love
Begotton of your own True Love

A love that is truly worthy of You

– Mac, 2012

Creative Commons License
'Two Loves' by Mac MacKenzie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.