You’re invited! This celebration and learning event is for explorers, entrepreneurs, sojourners, truth seekers, pioneers, and practitioners living on the edge of inside bringing the good news of Jesus to their neighbourhoods, cities, and tribes. We are creating...
I love my hood of Bowness, and there is no other place I would rather live in our city of Calgary. It is a quircky and eclectic place where the rich and the poor live in close proximity to each other. It is a place of beauty, generosity, and diversity. No two houses...
I’m a guy who likes to sift through all the information we get thrown at us everyday, and distill things down to a few key ideas that are like signposts pointing me in the right direction for how I should spend my time, energy, and money. These themes have...
There are two innate longings in all of us: the desire to connect and the desire to make a contribution. What I'm learning is that if I simply learn to be fully present with the people that God brings across my path, cool stuff happens where these two...
One of the things we value in the Mosaic is learning about Kingdom living from each other’s stories. Each of our stories is a piece of God’s ‘Big Story’ of bringing His Kingdom here on earth. Living out a Kingdom way of life is not primarily...