The Emerging Church: A Beautiful Mess

Have you ever heard the following comments: “If we could only be like the early church!” or “Wouldn’t it be great to have been part of the church in the book of Acts!” Often these comments come from a genuine desire to see the church act...

Welcome To My Table

This is a guest post by Katelyn Wall. To say that I was not lucky to call Australia home would be only short of inferior pride. I witnessed what it was like to be on the other side of the western world. To live and breathe among those who have little compared to what...

Two Loves

(This poem by Mac originally appeared on Diary of an Arts Farmer on Wed., Jan 16, 2013) It seems that I love You with two loves A selfish love And a simple love  That is truly worthy of You So, I abide in you Persisting in the practice of your Presence Daily...

The Veil Is Thin Tonight

This poem originally appeared on the Diary of an Arts Farmer. *** The veil Between heaven And earth Is thin Tonight And You My sweet Love Are most alluring Evasively intoxicating Stretched out Upon the horizon In rapturous Beguiling beauty...